June 28, 2011

Hot n' Cold

    Boys in NYC can be hot as hell fire yet their icy demeanor can feel alot like getting your bare weenier stuck on a frozen flag pole. Hell's Kitchen, also known as "the Dance Belt", breeds a certain kind of dude worth a blog all on it's own. These guys are practically suffocating as they stroll up and down ninth avenue in pairs, chests out and stomachs sucked in as tight as possible, plooming out their feathers for maximum sexy effect.  Holding your breath is a full time job in this particular neighborhood as it is in Fire Island. In fact, the ten or so blocks that make up this cunty part of town are so ridiculously gay that it's now starting to be known as Hellsea! BLAH! I cringe when I hear it fall out of a gay boys mouth along with MePa.....the meat packing district. I'm fascinated by all of the obnoxious names that people have come up with for their own little New York micro-neighborhoods. Only the worst separatist snobs participate in taking lazy to that level. At the end of this blog you'll find a nauseating list of some of the nicknames I've come across in my thirteen years here in the big city. Ninth ave. might as well be gated off and turned into one giant gay night club as far as I'm concerned. Dorothy reigns when even the emergency flashlights that we use at work are permanently set to a blinking strobe, if that tells you anything about the level of extreme homosexualness 'round these here parts! Can a guy not use the employee flashlight whilst fumbling around in a dark closet without even that becoming a raving disco party? Nst...nst...nst....Would you take a cop seriously that shined a bright flashing strobe in your face or would you secretly want to break into what I have created and termed the cross/cross/reveal, classic raver stuff so....     I know boys that occasionally (if not every single day) will pull a small Mac makeup compact out of their cargo shorts to touch up a glossy forehead and blend their already gorgeous and commercial worthy skin tone every couple of hours just like a woman. I admit that I myself cover up a tiny scar on my left cheek before I leave the house in the morning so I can't exactly judge now can I? Butch has been replaced by beauty paranoia and reality with vein denial. I probably see more shooting stars than I do actual sincere smiles as I walk down 8th avenue below 23rd st. A semi healthy flirt without all the ruffled peacock feathers and blingtastic faggotry is a welcome sight to these weary eyes.

       I work with the hottest, sweetest ginger in the known universe and he has single handily redefined the Hellsea way of thinking and looking at the dating scene here in the millenia of social networks and same sex-honing IPhone Apps. He tortures guys like me with cuddling dates and getting to know each other on a deeper level. It's a fascinating concept for Manhattan gay life in 2012 and I respect it to the core. Even though I view the approach to traditional values and a slow dating process like I would a rare and endangered species behind protective glass. The valiant red topped prince of coctailing and courting couldn't be more refreshing to me and I'm thrilled that our paths crossed at all. I could use more friends with different kinds of benefits. Now everything seems to have been reduced to Grinder profile pics, Scruff hook ups, and OK Cupid disasters and it all leaves me kind of mystified as to how one is supposed to cast a net intended on catching mr. right without also reeling in all the phony baloney posers and cyber freaks that come along with contemporary counter culture. Facebook is a poke. Scruff is a woof. Jesus Christ what about a simple hello? Not that I need a prince to come riding up on a shiny silver subway car with roses, and open heart, and a black Visa platinum card, but I'm certainly available for some butterflies now and then. "What's your favorite color?", "How big is your dick?", and "Are you a top or a bottom?" don't make for a good conversation in my book. In fact  these forced one on ones at Starbucks or Blockheads seem to stop time itself and a dinner or quick coffee can feel like a bloody eternity if there's no chemistry. Usually gay men's dates happen in reverse. A sensible date in the dance belt usually starts with lube and poppers for the appetizer. Then you move on to the main course which consists of the carnal, non-spoken, getting to know you bump and grind part that Christians wait for till marriage. And if there's some spark beyond the big bang (and you don't want to grab your pants and cell phone and run for the hills before he asks you when you're free again) you then go to dinner and grab some frozen cosmos at Barrage and try and muster up some post-post-coidle conversation while desperately trying not to yawn in his face and worry about if your dog needs to go out for a Harlem tinkle. You finish the meal with some subtle glances at your watch and secretly try to formulate an escape excuse that would sound convincing enough not to offend. Not that I'm speaking from personal experience or anything. No thank you Cupid boy. As my buddy Aaron says, "It's better to wait for fillet mignon" than to settle for the drama of high maintenance faggots that eventually slip through the gold sifter anyway as you strain your eyes and patience to pick out the real gems. I'm tired of guys being cheap and not pitching in for the cab uptown or much less...offering to go Dutch on dinner. I'm also pissed at the twenty something twinks that consider you too old by 26! I'll hold those little age-aphobic faglets under water with my 32 year old cracked hands until the bubbles stop!

     Super hot boys are also not always the best lovers either. Because you are a smokin' hot babe doesn't mean you can just lay there like a fish and be, making me do all the work. You can never really tell the ones that are gonna be fire crackers in bed because of the home school facade from the stiff sexy ones that expect you to worship their bodies as much as they do five times a week in the Golds Gym free weight mirrors. Someone that doesn't bother to rub my magic lamp or make my genie appear leaves me underwhelmed and no Broadway Bares body or gym bunny wabbit that shoots steroids into his ass and pectorals can hold a candle to someone who really tries to make it about you. Most Hellsea fruits are size queens about bank accounts, arms, and cocks like I am umbrellas.We all know 'em. Some of the boys I work with are so jacked up on muscle enhancing stimulants and five hour energy shots that I'm absolutely sure that they're not even going make to their thirtieth birthday. Our DJ TJ alone drinks at least six to ten Red Bulls every happy hour shift six days a week and quite often works a double! Where are his wings I wonder?
        It's easy to feel somewhat derailed in your life then pop stars like Lady Gaga come along and give you a song that rebels against all the bullshit and acts as a bump of inspirational cocaine to ease the angst. I'm not looking for a love of pure convenience but free dinners now and then pale in comparison to a guy that will occasionally make the effort to take the train uptown to NoHa to sleep in my beautifully comfortable bed of dreams. I can't exclusively do all the East side schlepping can I? I guess that makes me a call boy without the big pay off. Tummy butterflies are an endangered species in the matrix that is gay Manhattan.
         Most of my closest friends haven't read a single word of this blog since I started. I know this to be fact and it stings but you have to be prepared for that to happen when you start stringing words together in free form and hitting NEW POST. Laying my thoughts down on virtual paper is a personal therapy for me but I don't want this site to become some poor me verbal vomit.com. Writing about your life's situations and having a sassy take on things doesn't compare at all to the screeching halt you come to when reading a masturbatory blog entry about how that person's particular work out was extra tough that day or how good their cardio spinning class was at David Barton. What a snooze fest! Who fucking cares about someones private journal entry that weighs heavily with that slit-your-wrists inspirational tone that's no different from any adolescent, preteen paragraph of doom and lunchroom melancholy. Once you write something and hit post it's out there for the world to love, judge, skim, not skim, and totally ignore. I thought that this personal forum would've made me a reality TV star by now or perhaps have been transformed into a scratchy Sundance film with monotone voice overs of a boy reading a heavy script....ala Submarine...the movie.  I'm pretty sure my New York friends will never take me and my hobby seriously, at least until I nail down a short column in some fabulous weekly NY magazine or paper like Dan Savage in the Village Voice! So I continue to type with abandon with the understanding that whatever I say probably won't come full circle to bite me in the ass until much much later. That is of course until my sweet little country Tennessee mother discovers that her oldest son can't stop expressing himself through a public venue, bringing all his dark truths to light. If she only knew the shady tales of tails I've chased over the last thirteen years. I can and will continue to weave a personal history through this notebook application with a vengeance as though I'm going to the electric chair tomorrow. I eat my feelings the same way. Should she ever stumble upon Chorus Boy Interrupted a scandal of epic proportions would lay before me of the likes I have never seen before. My mother's disapproving silence would be like the scary calm that comes right before a huge twister yanks your Kansas house up and into a splintery oblivion. I don't wanna hurt my mom but wild horses couldn't hold back the flood of sarcasm in my soul that's dryer than any scorching desert. I must continue if not for my own personal sanity. I think we've got to laugh and bitch and praise and break down the ugly details of our Manhattan daily life just to fully appreciate surviving the more than bumpy road we choose to keep traveling year after year. It's a journey that requires a little more than an Excedrin packet and a prayer. Mine is that of a blurry urban circumstance and my compus is indefinitely and most certainly broken.

And as promised, and index of every stupid and horrible New York nickname I could find:

WeVar - west of Varick
FiDi - financial district
NoHa - north Harlem where I live
UHH (pronounced Ughhh...this is my own creation!) upper Hamilton Heights
NoLita - north little Italy
LoHo - lower Houston
NoMad - north of Madison Square Park
EHA - east Harlem
SoHell - south of Hell's Ketchen
DuGo - down under the Gowanis bridge
CeHa - central Harlem
SpaHa - spanish Harlem
NoMas - north of Madison Square Garden
SoHo - south Houston
Gramerray - Gramercy park and Murray Hill
RAMBO! right after the Manhattan bridge overpass
BoHo - Bowery below Houston
WeHa - west Harlem
SoHa - south Harlem
TriBeCa - triangle below Canal st.
SoBro - south Bronx
NoHo - north Harlem
DUMBO - down under the Manhattan bridge overpass
And last but certainly not least ladies and gentlemen, the three most unacceptable nicknames in the history of the world itself..........drum roll please....................................................
BoCoCa! - the Boerum Hill, Cobble Hill, Carol Gardens grey area in Brooklyn
ProCro - the Prospect Park/Crown Heights overlap
and finally.....GoCaGa.......for Gowanus and Carroll Garden. You're welcome.

June 13, 2011

Pergolas, Ponds, and Pipes

       I love the rich country, Hudson-chic gay men in their forties and beyond. And it feels so right to be treated to a sweet light lunch on an amazing terrace with red cherries, orchard tuna salads on French baguettes, and the fine red wine I can never afford. The disposable incomes numb things a bit and the mortgages in Aspen, Florida, the Bronx, and Claverack NY are just too much to juggle sometimes I can imagine. I'm so far form owning a place it's unreal. I am a renter to the core. Good taste is key and the row of high end antique stores owned by gay guys and successful lesbians lines Waren street where we get lost for hours and hours, each store making you feel more poor than the one before it. It's an interior designer's wet dream but an unemployed budget does come into play pour moi. I'm more of a window shopper and a dreamer when it comes to 4,500 dollar artsy wooden cutlery (one set!) and tufted sued headboards that cost 18,000 dollars for a full sized bed, not even a queen. Who can afford this shit? Only the childless, college tuition free gays that's who. These sexy electric floating fire places and Grecian pillars are way way out of my financial reach.
          My finances are unsteady and about as solid as one of those old air conditioners, improperly installed, dangling and teetering from the shaky windows over our New York heads all day and night, perhaps propped up with tea cups or blue and white china. I looked into air conditioner related deaths and injuries on the web and they are few and far between, but nonetheless the occasional falling AC incident is always a serious event of epic proportions that I'll leave to the imagination. Homos with money to burn and half a million dollar log cabins that are tucked away deep in the woods of Pennsylvania (with a jacuzzi and the priceless original Dorothy blue dress from the Wizard of OZ movie - encased behind protective glass) make me realize how far from a cash flow enterprise I really am. I thought twenty-seven would be something altogether different financially...much less thirty-two. I mean I have my little victories here and there but I'll be damned if these men aren't living the god damned dream with their HGTV show room worthy third and fourth homes and spotless BMW convertibles that they drive all over the country side of Ghent  spilling their lattes everywhere.

      Who can I marry? Who can I  #@%$! to ease the burden that is my New York overhead? "Head for Overhead?" my Craig's List ad might read. At the risk of sounding horribly sexist, I have to wonder how many soccer moms out there aren't in love with their husbands at all and are stuck in a sexless, loveless, stale marriage that plateaued five minutes after the I-Dos were said and the champeign buzz wore off? And the only reason these country concubines continue to stay is for the stability and familiarity of it all right? Probably more ladies than you might think are slave to the norm and are basically nothing more than non paid, kid popping, rural hookers under the ruse of PTA power moms jacked up on five hour super energy shots and Xanax. The tight skirts, six-pack stomachs, and occasional STDs are replaced with extra large stretch discount mom jeans from Target and alternating car-pooling days with Billy's mom. I'm sure when a man promises himself for life to his high school sweetheart he never really foresees the post third-child body that's in store! And when Mindy (we shall call her) starts to let it all hang out while shopping bulk in the Piggly Wiggly the ugly truth is revealed and that's when the seed to daddy's porn addiction begins to take root. I mean there is a type for everyone. Every single person alive is someone else's type, be it size...ethnicity....bank account. Someone out there is touching it right now thinking about an extra large, bulbous body bouncing in action and a stomach and ass that test the very limits of the Spandex he/she so loves wearing. We've all seen her. The woman standing in line a Walmart with a hundred ratty kids in tow (some actually tied together like livestock) that takes fashion to new lows with tights so strained that they could never girdle the tsunami of a gunt (gut/cunt) that spillith over towards the floor. The statistics must be staggering. I never want to find myself in a relationship where I don't feel the need to impress my significant other anymore with a good body, flattering clothes, and a proper date now and then. A rockin Saturday night in bum-fuck Wisconsin probably feels shockingly no different than my boring Tuesday in the city. I'm truly happy to fall into the other category altogether. I'd happily trade a night casually walking through the West Village or SOHO eating pomegranate Pinkberry over a family mini-van schlep to the Lowe's Cinema to see Toy Story 30 followed by an appetizer platter from the local Applebee's. I love New York.................................sometimes.

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June 2, 2011

Welcome to New York

Subway trains
herb-fried brains
funny funny faggots
and sodomy stains
Village attitudes
rainbow ingratitude
pretty Chinese baby strollers
over-priced Whole Foods
Sexy hairy Eagle playmates
closeted Javit's disciple dates
Aging cougars, lip injections
augmentation, strange infections
5th Ave. poodles
Ramen noodles
Broadway fake books
and Parson doodles
bulging Chelsea homos
anorexic C. K. promos
fun with guns and S&M
"Fifteen Dolla Polos!!"
Pennsylvania station
black Israelite relations
MTV, roller blades
a great midtown location
super shady smoking spots
bored and bloated Astoria cops
screening the East Village power bottoms
stalking the West Village freaky tops
something called the Yankees
masochistic spankings
46th street swing clubs
and stupid Jesus beatings
welcome to New York


   gay South Hampton vacas
   Jersey tunnel delays
   Harlem homes of hommies
   and Conney Island sick days
   twentieth century cyber freaks
   eyebrow piercings, flaky sheets
  Janis Joplin's greatest hits
  Jungle fever, Trojan leeks

mucho masturbation
abusive situations
Broadway baby breast implants
Wall street stock inflation
The Village Voice
Lessies, pro choice
Tori, Sarah, Dido, Jewel
barebacking Twilo boys
new year countdown kissing
every appointment missing
3AM radio fiestas
random sidewalk pissing
artsy school portfolios
kinky west side dirty hos
some lovin' for some validation
quick five dollar blows
welcome to New York

illegal Turkish hallal vending
bitchy Gucci platinum spending
green cards, yellow, gypsy cabs
track construction, church pretending
the Pumpkins, Stones
twisted ballet bones
Express and Gap
neon 4G cell phones
a fight for passion
the Ave. of Fashion
crazy urban rent heads                                         
caffeine crashin'
                                                                                              sardine shelters
                                                                                              Ragtime belters
                                                                                              fish-net gothic club kids
             Macy's Santa helpers
             16 bars of fame
             loosing the pride game
             super sexy Pimpernels
             mopping floors without shame
             Greenwich queens
             mobster kings
             leopard platforms
             unstable things


the jungle fight
Kerfew-70's night
sweating underground
500 dollar Mizrahi sight
coffee stains
unforgiving Brooklyn rains
race track cabbie bumper cars
Nonexistent express trains
creating hope
pinching dope
missing old lovers
staying broke
shopping thrift for Christmas gifts
kissing ass 
botched facial lifts
fighting back
extremist attacks
vocal lessons
free metro maps
holdin' on
I'm holdin' on
lost and found shut eye
still holdin' on
ignoring the pain
returning again
living my life here
and returning again
this is my New York

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